Looking for a Spiritual Home? Here is what CCCUCC is all about…
Jesus offers us a “Way” of life--Loving God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength and Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.
The Way is not about checking off a list of “beliefs.” In fact, we welcome unanswerable questions and faithful doubt because we ask questions ourselves! This is a natural part of an authentic spiritual journey…
So what is the “Way” Jesus offers us?
Spirituality. Love in Action. Hospitality. Hope and Resurrection. Generosity. Community.
Spirituality- a life of spirituality and prayer takes practice. We believe the Spirit is near at all times. In our busy, technological world we practice prayer and spirituality as we seek to be grounded--opening our hearts and spirits to the Creator whose spirit shines and who is Love in our midst. Worship is at the heart of our life together. There is a place for everyone and it is a time to connect with what matters most and find inspiration to live with love and hope in the world.
Love in Action— means courage as we work and pray for the Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.” We seek to “love our neighbors,” care for the earth, and work for social justice, peace, and transformation. Our Social Justice and Green Teams support our anti-racism and environmental stewardship commitments. We have a long history of inspiring and working with others to take action in the community--from the annual Habitat for Humanity walk (which has helped build homes for families in need for over thirty years) to providing temporary housing for new Mainers seeking asylum.
Hospitality –our welcome is wide as Jesus’ was. Wherever you are on your journey you are welcome here! We are an “open and affirming” church--celebrating our LGBTQ family and all people as beloved children of God. We seek to “welcome the stranger” as our faith teaches us, realizing that each of us at times has needed a sign of welcome.
Hope and resurrection—In Christ we find hope—death never has the last word. We all have a second chance. In fact, with Jesus’ love and forgiveness, there is always more than one! God brings hope even in the most desperate circumstances. We have learned and are learning that it is often in those places when all seems lost, that the promise comes.
Generosity—We all have gifts to share. In this world of materialism and consumption, we seek to practice the joy of generosity as we work for the healing of creation and the day when all have enough. Jesus teaches us the kind of generosity that flows from trust in God’s provision. Giving brings joy as we realize that sometimes God uses us to answer someone else’s prayer.
Community—At CCCUCC you can find a “Spiritual Home”—a place to grow and discover God’s presence in your life and in the world. You’ll find a community that cares and will support you with love and prayer. It’s a place where we celebrate our diversity as well as our unity, and where we cherish children and youth and nurture their leadership and gifts. We especially need community in these times of polarization, busyness, and technology. We aren’t perfect—but with humor and humbleness, and most of all with the Spirit, we seek to serve and love and make a difference in the world.
Let us know how we can be of help on your spiritual journey.
We are seekers, all of us!
Let’s seek and find the LOVE that is above all, through all and in all and put Love in Action.